Our Story

As a leading global provider of technology and knowledge, we develop, operate, and support advanced platform-based communications solutions. that enable telecom relay services and emergency services to provide meaningful accessibility for the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing. Our communication platform MMX delivers functional and accessible technology based on Total Conversation and Real-Time Text (RTT).

nWise was founded in 2008 with the mission to develop and provide technology, tools and communication services for synchronous communication, empowering Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing individuals to communicate over distance on their own terms. We also work to educate society and interested parties about the challenges and opportunities for these communities, and how to deliver meaningful accessibility and equality.

Our vision is to enable ‘communication for all’, by eliminating the unequal gap in distance communication that the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing communities experience when interacting with society. We work hard to keep the ability to develop and install out platform ourselves, and to offer support directly to our customers. We are a company of people for people. Therefore, the relationship between us and our customers is something we highly value to offer the best possible quality.

The strengths of nWise and MMX

  • Meaningful accessibility
  • Proven technology
  • Global solution, local adaption
  • Solid knowledge of national regulations
  • Handles complex and demanding environments
  • Scalable
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Communication for All

Do you have any questions, or do you already feel that we are the company for you? Contact us today for more informations!