We are proud members of several committees and advisory boards dedicated to enhancing accessibility and quality of life for people who are Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing. Our active participation in these organizations enables us to play a vital role in advancing access to emergency services and phone-based communication through innovative solutions, including video, Real-Time Text (RTT), and voice.
We are committed to leveraging our expertise and resources to drive meaningful progress in these critical areas, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to fully engage with the world around them.
Visit the websites of these organizations to learn more about their work.
The European Emergency Number Association (EENA) is a non-governmental organization with the mission to improve public safety and security. As a proud and active member of EENA, we have presented on Real-Time Text (RTT) and accessibility in emergency services at multiple EENA conferences, sharing our expertise and commitment to enhancing communication for all.
Our VP for Global Sales, Thor Nielsen, is a member of EENA’s Tech & Ops Committee. The committee is providing expertise on operational and technical issues related to emergency services, facilitates knowledge-sharing via the production of added-value documents, and shares expertise via webinars for EENA Members.
The National Emergency Number Association (NENA), the 9-1-1 Association, is a non-profit professional organization solely focused on 9-1-1 operations, technology, education, and policy issues. The organization develops standards, requirements, informational, and reference documents through the diverse backgrounds and expertise of industry professionals who participate in NENA’s working groups.
Thor Nielsen, our VP for Global Sales, serves as the co-chair of the NENA Working Group on Communication Modalities, which is part of NENA’s Accessibility Committee.
ITS (Svenska Informations- och Telekommunikationsstandardiseringen) is a Swedish non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the most functional and accessible internet connections possible through the use of proper standards and common approaches. ITS brings together Swedish industry experts to influence the development of industry standards.
nWise is active in the Accessibility Working Group of ITS, which is chaired by the Swedish telecom regulator, Postal and Telecom Authority (PTS). This group gathers Swedish input regarding accessibility requirements that are addressed in ETSI (European Telecom Standards Institute). Several European standards are handled by the group, for instance the European standard EN 301 549, a standard used for public procurement of information and communication technology, ES 204 009, Human Factors (HF) Requirements for interoperable total conversation services, and TS 101 470, Emergency Communications (EMTEL) Total Conversation Access to Emergency Services.