Patient journals in tablets reduces workload

Using tablets during house calls to access information during house calls has been successful in pilot project at Väddö health center north of Stockholm.

Healthcare professionals expressed a need to bring patient journals to housecalls in Roslagen, north of Stockholm. When the journals are confined to a stationary computer at the Väddö health center, it complicates the work of healthcare professionals. The usual routine is to read all 10-12 journals at the beginning of the day and, remember them during the house calls and make notes by hand, to later add to the journal. Bringing the journal to the patients reduces the workload as notes can be added directly to the journals instead of made separately and added later. It also reduces the risk of mistakes since handwritten notes can be hard to read and sheets of paper can get lost.

To create such a solution is not without its difficulties, such as the strict security policies within primary care. In the beginning of 2016 a pilot project was launched where the personnel brings an iPad with them to housecalls that gives them access to the patient’s journal, both to read and to add notes to, they can also document the housecalls by photos and video. The identification for this mobile tool is the same as the stationary computer; a personal password is needed as well as a SIHTS-card.

The pilot project comprised of 4-6 persons, who feel that the communication has been smooth, and the tool was easy to use after the intial learning process. Some of the positive outcomes of this project are that healthcare professionals have access to correct and up to date information at all times during housecalls and there is a reduced risk of mistakes when notes are added to journals directly and healthcare professionals have access to medical encyclopedias to strengthen their decisions.

The next phase of the project is to expand it to some nearby health centers, as well as give healthcare professionals access to more information, such as the patient’s medication history and test results.

A reason for the success of this project was that the needs of the users were taken into account when developing the tool.


To read more about the pilot project click HERE.