nWise delivers a new platform to Småtegn in Denmark

nWise has been assigned to deliver a brand new technology platform to the Video Relay Service Småtegn ApS in Denmark. Småtegn is the main supplier of remote interpretation for DNTM, Den Nationale Tolkemyndighed.

småtegn logga

Modern apps for the Video Relay Service will be available for download at App Store and Google Play.

“This assignment is very exciting for us since we already deliver the technology for the Text Relay Service in Denmark. MMX® is being used by several Video Relay Services worldwide, and with our technology the Danes will be able to access online interpreters; today all interpreters need to be pre-booked in Denmark.“  Says Thor Nielsen, VP for Global Sales at nWise. “We want, with our technology, to contribute so that the sign language users in Denmark can make spontaneous calls to their near and dear, but also to fundamental social services and simpler services that we as hearing take for granted, such as ordering a pizza though a phone.”

“Småtegn ApS visited nWise in Örebro in Marsh. We had been looking for a system to our remote interpretation for a long time that was supposed to be easy to use for all parties and that also include a queue function. We are therefore very happy to work with nWise and looking forward to starting up.” Says Småtegn ApS:s director and owner Charlotte Brøndum.

nWise is a leading deliverer of IP-based communication platforms where video or text communication are essential parts for the accessibility. nWise are also experts when it comes to communication and interfaces for elderly and persons with functional variations. MMX® as a communication platform has without a doubt set a new standard  to Video and Text Relay Services and has since the start of nWise, in 2008, been delivered to customers globally.


Want to read more about Småtegn? Click HERE

Want to know more about DNTM, click HERE.